Decorative Blue Wheat

One Foot in Each World

As we transition to Ultra, you have the option to teach some of your courese in Blackbaord Learn ("old Blackboard") and some of your courses in Blackboard Ultra ("new Blackboard"). In fact, Blackboard set it up this way to support a gradual adoption process. If you are planning to teach in both systems, you will want to . 

There are good reasons why some courses might need a longer transition to Ultra. You might have a lot of content that needs to be redesigned to fit the more modern design of the platform, or you might be using tools that , but which are on the and are coming soon. Whatever your reason, OIR will support you, so let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at

Once you are ready to transition your Old Blackboard course to Ultra, you can have the system convert your course for you. This process is not perfect, and there will be "conversion exceptions," meaning some things will not convert properly or at all, but converting a course is one way to get a head start on building your Ultra course. Follow these instructions to import your Old Blackboard material and convert it.