Device LifeCycle
Beginning of life
麻豆传媒 ITS will receive the new device and catalogue it.
During life
Departments are responsible for the following during the life of the device
- completing annual inventory list
- Notifying 麻豆传媒 ITS if the device is assigned to a different end user
- Notifying 麻豆传媒 ITS if the device is moved to another location
- 麻豆传媒 ITS is responsible for ensuring that the device remains in compliance with IT security guidelines as set forth in the State Legislative Audit, including but not limited to operating system and antivirus updates.
- Recommend 5 years of the lifecycle:
- 3 years under the vendor's warranty and 2 years without the warranty.
- Not recommend Apple Care for Apple Computers.
End of life
- Department completes the property transfer form
- Department ensures devices such as tablets and smartphones have all accounts and passwords removed.
- Department informs 麻豆传媒 ITS or designated departmental IT that associates with your college or division for disposal of data and information.
- 麻豆传媒 ITS or designated departmental IT that associates with your college or division will dispose the data and will sign off the property transfer sheet.
- Department is required to follow the property transfer form instructions to finalize the equipment transfer to the Warehouse.