麻豆传媒鈥檚 Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness
for Undergraduate Programs) is a college access program that is federally funded through
the U.S. Department of Education designed to help students in foster care prepare
for post-secondary education.
KKGU offers a variety of free services to participants that help them gear up for
a postsecondary education. Services include college exploration and visits, academic
skill building, career exploration, mentoring, life skill building, ACT / SAT workshops,
financial literacy, financial aid workshops, program orientation, scholarship opportunities,
summer programs, educational field trips, recognition ceremonies for students and
teachers, college portfolio preparation and quarterly newsletters.
Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP is a U.S. Department of Education funded program with Wichita
State University as the administrator of this program. Children in foster care are given top priority for services.
In order to be eligible for Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP, students must: Be in foster care and attending a middle or high school in the region, OR be currently in state custody and attending a middle or high school in the region.
KKGU is a statewide program that branches out into six regions that provide educational
resources to help middle and high school students succeed. We work to increase the
number of students in foster care who graduate from high school fully prepared for
enrollment in postsecondary education.
These components augment instruction provided by schools and foster care facilities.
Activities include: mentoring, counseling, workshops and visits to postsecondary institutions
and community businesses. These visits reinforce our student's educational pursuits.
Student's progress in instruction, mentoring, and workshops is assessed monthly.
Summer Programs
Summer activities allow students to keep up with classmates, advance skills, build
confidence and progress toward their goals. Postsecondary prep, mentorships, reading,
math, English, career and computer instruction are offered. Students are encouraged
to apply for TRiO, Health Careers Opportunity and other programs that support their
Saturday Activities
Saturday schedules include college and career field trips. Staff and volunteers offer
innovative instruction to excite students about education. Special banquets and sessions
with guest presenters are held for academic and social enrichment, as well as to recognize
individual student and collective achievements.
College Prep
Planning packets with instructions on college admissions and financial aid are designed
for middle and high school students. Parents and students receive technical assistance
鈥 one-on-one and in groups 鈥 for test prep, college application completion, developing
essays and strategies for handling college interviews.
Through mentoring, students are able to interact with individuals who support and
encourage their educational, career and personal goals. Project and partner agencies
provide training to mentors, who include university students and community volunteers.
Cultural Activities
Cultural enrichment activities enhance student social and emotional growth. These
activities integrate social and cultural events, allowing students a sense of pride
in their cultural backgrounds and an understanding for other populations.
Goal: Increase the academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education for
GEAR UP students.
Objective 1: 80% of students enrolled in secondary school are on track for graduation at the end
of each grade.
Objective 2: Each year the number of KKGU students who: pass Pre-Algebra in 8th grade, pass Algebra
1 in 9th grade,and who take 2 years of math beyond Algebra 1 will increase by 10%.
Goal: Increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education
for GEAR UP students.
Objective 3: Each project year, 70% of participating high school seniors will complete a secondary
school diploma or its recognized equivalent and 65% will enroll in a postsecondary
Objective 4: Of the graduating seniors who enroll in college, 70%, who place into college-level
Math and English will not need college remediation courses.
Goal: Increase GEAR UP students' and their families' knowledge of postsecondary education
options, preparation and financing.
Objective 5: Each project year, 70% of students complete the ACT by grade 12 and 80% of students
complete the FASFA in grade 12.