Recent Additions and Revisions

14.01 / General Purchasing Policies

Revised: May 28, 2024 | Effective: July 1, 1997

Date Policy Request To PET:

May 28, 2024

This is a change to an existing policy.

Last Revised Date Of Policy:

March 29, 2016

Initiating Authority:

Finance and Operations

Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

Following the recent University reorganization, this policy is being revised to incorporate K.S.A. 76-770 and streamline purchasing for those departments and entities that operate primarily with moneys received from federal agencies and other external sources.

Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

Applicable Laws Or Regulatory Or Policy Authority:

KSA 76-769, 76-770, KBOR

Other Relevant Wsu Policies:

The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Provost
  • VP for Finance and Administration
  • Executive VP for Research and Industry & Defense Programs

Other Notes For Consideration:

Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

Office of General Counsel

13.20 / Out-of-State Travel

Revised: March 26, 2024 | Effective: November 1, 2007

Date Policy Request To PET:

March 26, 2024

This is a change to an existing policy.

Current Policy Title:

13.20 / Out-of-State Travel

Revised Policy Title:

13.20 / Out-of-State and International Travel

Last Revised Date Of Policy:

August 8, 2019

Initiating Authority:

The Division of Finance and Administration

Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

This policy has been revised to address international travel in addition to out-of-state travel and to conform with the standard format for 麻豆传媒 policies. In addition, because the travel procedures are quite detailed, lengthy, and frequently require changes, the procedures have been removed from the policy and replaced with a link to the recently updated 麻豆传媒 Travel Handbook.

Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

KBOR has revised its policy on travel, requiring Universities to develop policies that specifically address international travel. This policy has been revised to comply with this requirement.

Applicable Laws Or Regulatory Or Policy Authority:

The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

  • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden and Misha Jacob-Warren
  • InfoSec - Mark Rodee
  • ITS - Ken Harmon
  • Export Control - Jim Elliott
  • Finance/Travel - Troy Bruun and Kristie Courtney
  • International Education - Vince Altum
  • Human Resources - Vicki Whisenhant and Rebecca Reiling
  • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling (shared)
  • Staff Senate - Kennedy Rogers (shared)

Other Notes For Consideration:

This revised policy contains references to Policy 3.52 / Flexible Work Arrangements, Including Remote Work. Policy 3.52 is not a current policy, but instead is a new policy that is currently being drafted. The two policies address related subject matter. Although Policy 3.52 is still under construction, we are moving forward with a request for PET approval of the revisions to Policy 13.20 in order to comply with KBOR's requirement to develop a policy on international travel. We anticipate requesting approval of Policy 3.52 in April 2024.

Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

General Counsel Office - Misha Jacob-Warren

13.04 / Tuition and Fees Refunds

Revised: March 26, 2024 | Effective: June 5, 2017

Date Policy Request To PET:

March 26, 2024

This is a change to an existing policy.

Last Revised Date Of Policy:

August 17, 2021

Initiating Authority:

Financial Operations and Business Technology

Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

This policy is being revised to ensure compliance with federal laws regarding the withholding of student transcripts in connection with unpaid balances owed to the University. Specifically, the language stating that transcripts will not be released to students until University charges are paid under Section IV.A is being removed. In addition, revisions were made to clarify the University's practice of placing holds on diplomas and enrollment in connection with unpaid balances, and directions to contact Financial Operations to resolve such holds was added. Finally, minor updates were made to conform with the University's standard policy format.

Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

In the fall of 2022, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued supervisory guidance, explaining that institutions that provide private educational loans, including institutions of higher education offering tuition payment plans, fall under the authority of the CFPB. The CFPB further directed that blanket policies to withhold transcripts in connection with an extension of credit by these institutions are abusive under the Consumer Financial Protection Act.

Subsequently, in the fall of 2023, the Department of Education (DOE) issued new regulations (effective July 1, 2024) that require the release of official transcripts for payment periods that the student received Title IV financial aid and all institutional charges for that payment period were paid or included in an agreement to pay.

After careful consideration and consultation with University partners that are involved in the process for withholding transcripts in connection with unpaid balances owed to the University, Financial Operations has determined that the best course of action is to discontinue the withholding of transcripts in connection with unpaid institutional charges. The current policy revisions are being made to reflect this decision.

Applicable Laws Or Regulatory Or Policy Authority:

  • Other Relevant 麻豆传媒 Policies:

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Financial Operations - Robyn Bongartz, Ryan Lohfink and Troy Bruun
    • Registrar's Office - Gina Crabtree
    • International Education - Vince Altum
    • OneStop Student Services - Aaron Hamilton and Addie James
    • Academic Affairs - Linnea GlenMaye
    • Financial Aid - Sheelu Surender
    • Student Engagement - Gabriel Fonseca
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling (shared)
    • Staff Senate - Kennedy Rogers (shared)

    Other Notes For Consideration:

    Policy 13.05 / Tuition and Fees Payment Plan is also being revised for the same purpose as the present policy.

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Financial Operations - Robyn Bongartz

    13.05 / Tuition and Fees Payment Plan

    Revised: March 26, 2024 | Effective: July 1, 1997

    Date Policy Request To PET:

    March 26, 2024

    This is a change to an existing policy.

    Current Policy Title:

    13.05 / Tuition and Fees Payment Plan

    Revised Policy Title:


    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    June 30, 2016

    Initiating Authority:

    Financial Operations and Business Technology

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    This policy is being revised to ensure compliance with federal laws regarding the withholding of student transcripts in connection with unpaid balances owed to the University. Specifically, the language stating that transcripts will not be released to students with unpaid balances under Section II.B of the current policy is being removed. In addition, revisions were made to clarify the University's practice of placing holds on diplomas and enrollment in connection with unpaid balances, and directions to contact Financial Operations to resolve such holds was added. Finally, minor updates were made to conform with the University's standard policy format.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    In the fall of 2022, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued supervisory guidance, explaining that institutions that provide private educational loans, including institutions of higher education offering tuition payment plans, fall under the authority of the CFPB. The CFPB further directed that blanket policies to withhold transcripts in connection with an extension of credit by these institutions are abusive under the Consumer Financial Protection Act.

    Subsequently, in the fall of 2023, the Department of Education (DOE) issued new regulations (effective July 1, 2024) that require the release of official transcripts for payment periods that the student received Title IV financial aid and all institutional charges for that payment period were paid or included in an agreement to pay.

    After careful consideration and consultation with University partners that are involved in the process for withholding transcripts in connection with unpaid balances owed to the University, Financial Operations has determined that the best course of action is to discontinue the withholding of transcripts in connection with unpaid institutional charges. The current policy revisions are being made to reflect this decision.

    Applicable Laws Or Regulatory Or Policy Authority:

    Other Relevant 麻豆传媒 Policies:

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Financial Operations - Robyn Bongartz, Ryan Lohfink and Troy Bruun
    • Registrar's Office - Gina Crabtree
    • International Education - Vince Altum
    • OneStop Student Services - Aaron Hamilton and Addie James
    • Academic Affairs - Linnea GlenMaye
    • Financial Aid - Sheelu Surender
    • Student Engagement - Gabriel Fonseca
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling (shared)
    • Staff Senate - Kennedy Rogers (shared)

    Other Notes For Consideration:

    Policy 13.04 / Tuition and Fees Refunds is also being revised for the same purpose as the present policy.

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Financial Operations - Robyn Bongartz

    11.23 / Animals On University Premises

    Revised: February 27, 2024 | Effective: August 1, 2010

    Date Policy Request To PET:

    February 27, 2024

    This is an existing policy.

    Current Policy Title:

    11.23 / Animals on Campus

    Revised Policy Title:

    11.23 / Animals on University Premises

    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    August 1, 2010 (Effective Date)

    Initiating Authority:

    Office of Student Accommodations and Testing, University Police Department, and Facilities Services

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    This policy is being revised to ensure compliance with both state and federal law, to clarify the requirements for having an animal on campus consistent with current practices, and to update to the University's standard policy format.

    Specific changes made were to the following:

    • Updated title and policy to address animals on "university premises" rather than just campus.
    • Clarified requirements and limitations for having animals on campus consistent with state and federal laws and current practices.
    • Defined the different types of animals, including Service Animals, Professional Therapy Dogs, and Assistance Animals consistent with governing laws, including the ADA, the Fair Housing Act, and State laws.
    • Clarified what type of animals are permitted inside University buildings, including the residence halls.
    • Clarified that Pets and Assistance Animals are not permitted at organized athletic events, consistent with current practice.
    • Provided guidance on how to proceed when it is not readily apparent whether an animal is a Service or Assistance Animal in accordance with federal law, or whether an animal is a Professional Therapy Dog under state law, and when these animals can be excluded from campus.
    • Added contacts for individuals to direct questions and complaints to, consistent with current practices.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    Updates to this policy were necessary to ensure that University procedures for dealing with Service and Assistance Animals, and Professional Therapy Dogs are in compliance with federal and state laws and to clarify the requirements and limitations for having animals on University premises, consistent with current practices.

    Applicable Laws Or Regulatory or Policy Authority:

    1. .

    Other Relevant 麻豆传媒 Policies:

    1. 麻豆传媒 Policy 8.10 / Students with Disabilities
    2. Housing Accommodations Webpage
    3. Workplace Accommodations Webpage

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Office of Student Accommodations and Testing - Isabel Medina
    • Student Affairs/Housing and Residence Life - Teri Hall, Scott Jensen and Katie Austin
    • Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance - Courtney McHenry and Crissy Magee
    • Facilities Services - Eason Bryer
    • University Police Department - Guy Schroder
    • Rhatigan Student Center Event Services - Maria Ciski
    • University Event and Meeting Services - Kim Moore and James Brewster
    • Athletics - Brad Pittman
    • Human Resources - Vicki Whisenhant and Rebecca Reiling
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling (shared)
    • Staff Senate - Kennedy Rogers (shared)

    Other Notes For Consideration:


    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Office of General Counsel

    3.48 / Coaching and Corrective Action

    Revised: February 27, 2024 | Effective: February 23, 2018

    Date Policy Request To PET:

    February 27, 2024

    This is an Existing policy.

    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    Effective February 23, 2018

    Initiating Authority:

    Human Resources

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    This policy is being revised to:

    • Update to current standard format and clarify the progressive coaching and corrective steps.
    • Add separate paragraph to the procedures section to clarify the application of the coaching and corrective action steps.
    • Clarify that matters of dismissal and low performance for tenured faculty will be addressed under Policy 4.34.
    • Update definitions to: coaching plan, employee, separation, leadership, and controlled affiliated organizations.
    • Remove separate sections on Employee and Leadership responsibilities.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    This policy was revised to provide clarity on coaching and corrective action.

    Other Relevant 麻豆传媒 Policies:

    1. 麻豆传媒 Policy 3.15 / Internal Dispute Resolution Process
    2. 麻豆传媒 Policy 3.41 / Separation of Employment
    3. 麻豆传媒 Policy 4.04 / Resolution of Internal Disputes for Faculty
    4. 麻豆传媒 Policy 4.34 / Dismissal For Cause

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden

    The revisions were initiated by a committee formed to review Policies 3.48, Policy 4.06, and Policy 4.34. The committee was comprised of Leadership representing General Counsel, CTAC, AA AVP, representatives for Deans, representatives for Associate Dean, representatives for chairs, Faculty Senate President, and Human Resources.

    • Human Resources - HRBP team and HR Leadership Team
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling
    • Staff Senate - Kennedy Rogers

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Rebecca Reiling

    4.18 / Probationary Period

    Revised: January 30, 2024 | Effective: July 1, 1997

    Date Policy Request:

    January 30, 2024

    This is a change to an existing policy.

    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    February 1, 2013

    Initiating Authority:

    General Counsel

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    This maintenance request is necessary to update a link referenced in this policy. In addition, a Revision Dates section was added to the policy to conform with the University's standard policy format.

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Stacia Boden

    3.09 / English Language Proficiency

    Revised: January 30, 2024 | Effective: July 1, 1997

    Date of Policy Request:

    January 30, 2024

    This is a change to an existing policy.

    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    November 2, 2016

    Initiating Authority:

    Academic Affairs

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    This policy is being revised to align with KBOR policy regarding minimum score requirements for spoken English competency for faculty and graduate assistants. In addition, minor updates were made to accurately reflect KBOR policy language and to comply with the University's standard policy format.

    The following specific changes were made:

    • The minimum score on the speaking section of the Test of English as a Foreign Language internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) was changed from 23 to 22.
    • Initiating authority was added.
    • The quote from KBOR policy at the beginning of the policy was updated to match the current KBOR language.
    • Minor changes to formatting were updated and a revisions section was added.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    Policy 3.09 sets forth the English Language Proficiency requirements for the University's faculty and graduate assistants. Since approximately 2012, Policy 3.09 has required a minimum score of 23 on the spoken section of the TOEFL iBT. The KBOR Policy Manual did not include a minimum score for the spoken section of the TOEFL iBT until approximately 2021, and when it was added, KBOR set the minimum at 22. The current revisions to Policy 3.09 were made to align with the minimum score set by KBOR for the spoken section of the TOEFL iBT.

    We are moving these limited revisions forward quickly so that the minimum TOEFL score in the Graduate Catalog can be updated in February 2024.

    Applicable Laws Or Regulatory Or Policy Authority:

    Other Relevant Wsu Policies:

    麻豆传媒 Policy 8.04 / Graduate Assistantships

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Academic Affairs - Linnea GlenMaye
    • Office of International Education - Vince Altum
    • Graduate School - Coleen Pugh, Enrique Navarro, Aaron Coffey, and Denise Gimlin
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling
    • Staff Senate - Jason Bosch

    Other Notes For Consideration:

    Policy 8.04 / Graduate Assistantships will also need to be updated regarding the TOEFL score, but this policy will come at a later date as additional changes are needed.

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    General Counsel Office

    4.04 / Resolution of Internal Disputes for Faculty

    Revised: January 23, 2024 | Effective: July 1, 1997

    Date of Policy Request:

    January 23, 2024

    This is a change to an existing policy.

    Last Revised Date Of Policy:

    October 3, 2023 (maintenance only)

    Initiating Authority:

    Academic Affairs

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    This policy is being revised to update the requirements for appointment of ombudspersons, including increasing the number of appointments to four, removing the requirement that ombudspersons must be former presidents, increasing the term of appointment from three to four years, and requiring training for those appointed. In addition, minor changes were made to formatting to reflect the University's standard policy format.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    To align ombudsperson language with policy revisions approved by Faculty Senate. Policy change will require mandatory training and afford opportunity for larger pool of qualified faculty.

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling
    • Staff Senate - Jason Bosch (shared as FYI)

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Faculty Senate - Jolynn Dowling

    Date Policy Request:

    December 5, 2023

    This an existing policy.

    3.06 / Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation for Employees, Students and Visitors

    Initiating Authority:

    The Office of General Counsel

    Summary Of Policy Or Policy Change:

    Policy maintenance updates are necessary due to changed position titles in the Division of Student Affairs, which are referenced in our policies and procedures, including the above listed policies. In addition, Revision Dates sections have been added as needed.

    Reason Or Need For Policy / Summary Of Changes Made To Existing Policy:

    This policy was prepared to provide uniform requirements for the use of inflatables on campus. The activity is commonly known to have a high risk of injury, but the University did not previously have a policy on this topic.

    The Following University Stakeholders Were Included In The Review And Approval Of This Policy Draft / Revision:

    • Office of the General Counsel - Stacia Boden
    • Vice President for Student Affairs 鈥 Teri Hall
    • Student Affairs - Alicia Newell

    Owner Of Policy Request For Questions:

    Office of the General Counsel