Shocker Hall boasts a variety of room layouts that are sure to meet the needs of any
resident. The beds in Shocker Hall are all twin extra long and have the ability to
be lofted at the resident's discretion.
Our Standard 4 Bedroom / 2 Bath Suite is the second most common room offering and
allows students a private room where they share a bathroom with one other person.
These spaces have an open common area shared between all four occupants.
Our 2 Bedroom Suites allows students a private space where they share a bathroom with
one other person. This suite has an open common area shared between the two occupants
Our 2 Shared Room Suites include a triple space, where residents share the room with
two other occupants, and share the bathroom with an adjoining suite.
Our Hybrid 4 Bedroom / 2 Bath Suite offers two room types: Nonstandard Singles and
Double. These spaces have an open common area shared between all four occupants.
Our 1 Bedroom Suites offers a double room where you share a bathroom with one other
person. This suite does not have an open common area that is separate from the occupant's room spaces.
Our 4 Bedroom / 1 Bath Suite allows students a private room where they share a bathroom
with all occupants. These spaces have an open common area shared between all four
occupants as well.
Our 3 Bedroom Suites allow students a private space in two different room types. Rooms
1 and 3 are an adjusted single while the middle room is our nonstandard single. This
suite has an open common area shared between the three occupants.