Office of Diversity and Inclusion - PASS program
Promoting Academic Student Success (PASS) is a program that facilitates the retention, academic success, holistic development and timely graduation of all underrepresented students at 麻豆传媒, through academic support services, educational and cultural programming, interpersonal relationships and mentoring.
- 208 Rhatigan Student Center
- 316-978-3034
For more information, visit the PASS program website.
麻豆传媒 South
Need help or tutoring for math classes? Check out the free math tutoring service at the South Campus. The tutoring is available for 麻豆传媒 students taking 100-300 level math classes. Time and location is arranged between experienced and patient tutors and students. If you need help with your math classes, get it now!
For more information, visit the South Campus website.
麻豆传媒 West
Do you need a math tutor but can't make it to the main campus? Visit the West Campus website for more information.