An emergency hire is used to fill a vacancy that was sudden and/or unexpected. Policy 3.21 / Emergency Hires outlines the approval process for an emergency hire not requiring a search. Emergency hires may hold the vacant position for only twelve (12) months with a full local, regional or national search for the replacement to be concluded by the end of the 12th month.

How to fill an Emergency Hire:

  • The budget officer should submit a justification to their budget review officer explaining the need for an emergency hire.
  • The budget review officer should review the justification and if approved submit it to the appropriate vice president.
  • If the appropriate vice president approves, the proposal should then be submitted to the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity for review.
  • Based on the review outcome by the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, the vice president may finalize the emergency hire.
  • The Director of Human Resources and the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity should receive notification of the hire.
  • Once the emergency hire approval is complete, a Modify & Fill will be started in to request to fill the position.
  • Human Resources will send a link for the approved emergency hire to apply to the position. The link will be sent either through the appropriate vice president's office, to the department or directly to the individual to be hired.
  • A background check could be necessary based on the individual to be hired. Human Resources will alert those in the hiring process of the need and the outcome.
  • Human Resources will start the Hiring Proposal for approvals. The Admin in PeopleAdmin will need to enter specific information for the emergency hire based on the type of the position being filled.
  • The employee cannot begin work in the new position until the Hiring Proposal is fully approved.

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Who to contact:

Director of Equal Employment Opportunity-Unclasified/Faculty

Executive Director of Human Resources

Jane Link
Director of Equal Employment Opportunity
Phone: (316) 978-3187

Judy Espinoza
Director of Human Resources
Phone: (316) 978-3540

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Revised: 09/06/2018 DC