Journal Publications
- W. Nigussie, K. Mickus, D. Keir, A. Alemu, Y. Muhabaw, A. Muluneh, E. Yehualaw and
Z. Demissie, “Subsurface structure of magmatic segments during continental breakup:
Perspectives from a gravity data analysis of the Main Ethiopian Rift,” Frontiers in
Earth Science, Solid Earth Geophysics, Article in press, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1092759.
- Demissie, Z. S., & Rimmington, G. (2022). Surface displacements mechanism of the dobi
graben from ASAR time-series analysis of InSAR: Implications for the tectonic setting
in the Central Afar Depression, Ethiopia. Remote Sensing (Basel, Switzerland), 14(8),
- P. Chadalavada, A. Dutta, "Regional CubeSat Constellation Design to Monitor Hurricanes," IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 60, pp. 1-8, Nov 2021, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3124473.
Conference & Workshop Papers
- P. Chadalavada, A. Dutta, “Hybrid Constellation Design of CubeSats for Monitoring Hurri-canes,” AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Austin TX, Jan 2023.
- Alagic, M. Sclafani, M.; Filbert, N.; Rimmington, G.; Demissie, Z.; Dutta, A.; Bowen,
A.; Lindsay, E.; Kuhlmann, M.; Rattani, A.; & Rai, A. (2022) Convergence Science:
Adaptive Scaf olding toward Transdisciplinary Collaboration. The Learning Ideas Conference
Proceedings. Springer series "" Published in Dec 2022.
- P. Chadalavada and A. Dutta, “Relative Coverage Analysis for Hurricane Monitoring Formations,” AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte NC, Aug 2022.
- S. Haridasan, A. Rattani, Z. Demissie, and A. Dutta, “Multispectral Deep Learning
Models for Wildfire Detection”, International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research,
July 2022.
- S. Kotha, S. Haridasan, A. Rattani, A. Bowen, G. Rimmington and A. Dutta, “Multimodal
Combination of Text and Image Tweets for Disaster Response Assessment”, International
Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research, July 2022.
- A. Dutta., "Overview of Data-Driven Hazard-Detection Technology Research at 鶹ý’s
Disaster Resilience Analytics Center for Enhancing Community Resilience", International
Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research, July 2022.
- Alagic, M. Sclafani, M.; Filbert, N.; Rimmington, G.; Demissie, Z.; Dutta, A.; Bowen, A.; Lindsay, E.; Kuhlmann, M.; Rattani, A.; & Rai, A. (June 17, 2022) Convergence Science: Adaptive Scaffolding toward Transdisciplinary Collaboration. The Learning Ideas Conference. Columbia University, New York City.
- P. Chadalavada and A. Dutta, “CubeSat Formations for Monitoring Hurricanes,” IEEE
Aerospace Conference, March 2022.
- P. Chadalavada and A. Dutta, “Coverage Characteristics of Hurricane Monitoring CubeSat
Constellations under Orbital Perturbations,” AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Conference
(part of AIAA SciTech Forum), San Diego CA, Jan 2022.
Theses & Dissertations
- Fall 2022 Graduation (MS) Madhurika Patil: “Deep Learning Models for Natural Disaster Assessment using Satellite Imagery” (MS Thesis advisor: Ajita Rattani).
- Fall 2022 Graduation (PhD) Pardhasai Chadalavada: “Hybrid CubeSat Constellation Design for Observing Hurricanes” (PhD Dissertation advisor: Atri Dutta).
MS Directed Projects
- Chinmay Nandkishor Sagade (Faculty Advisor: R. Bagai), “VPWS Remote Status Indication”, MS Directed Project, School of Computing, 鶹ý, May 2023.
- Durga Harini Sangu (Faculty Advisor: R. Bagai), “DRAC Website Development,” MS Directed Project, School of Computing, 鶹ý, May 2022.
- Saideshwar Kota (Faculty Advisor: A. Rattani), “Deep Learning Models for WildFire Detection and Localization”, MS Directed Project, School of Computing, Wichita State University, May 2022.
- Ivanshi Shah (Faculty Advisor: R. Bagai), “Development of a Dashboard for Disaster Resilience Analytics Center”, MS Directed Project, School of Computing, Wichita State University, December 2021.