
Dr. Wilson Baldridge, emeritus professor of French, in the department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, received his PhD from the University at Buffalo (SUNY, 1982). He teaches intermediate, advanced, and graduate-level courses in grammar, translation, civilization, literature, and theory.

His articles have appeared in the French Review, Symposium, the Stanford French Review, Etudes littéraires, Renaissance et Réforme, French Forum, the Cahier Michel Deguy, Modernités, and other journals. His paper "La présence de Folie dans les Œuvres de Louise Labé," originally published in 1989, was selected for the collective volume Louise Labé 2005 (Université de Saint- Étienne). He has translated Québécoise poet Suzanne Jacob, viz the multimedia book Filandere cantabile(Marval, 1990). His translations of Michel Deguy have appeared in Tyuonyi, Sulfur, Boxkite, Circumference, and Baudelaire and the Poetics of Modernity.

Dr. Baldridge participated in all three international colloquia on Deguy's work (Paris, 1995; Cerisy, 2006; Bordeaux, 2011) and composed the biographical section of Les écrits de Michel Deguy (IMEC, 2002). Recumbents, his translation of Deguy's Gisants together with the interpretive afterword by Jacques Derrida‚ "How to Name" (Wesleyan, 2005), received the 2006 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. His list includes "Savoir, inventer" in the Grand Cahier Michel Deguy & "Lumière et révélation dans Sans retour" in Michel Deguy, l'allégresse pensive.