
Charles Yang is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Â鶹´«Ă˝.  He received his B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in 1993.  He taught and conducted research after his Ph.D. degree at Louisiana State University until he joined Wichita State University in 1997.    


Areas of Research Interest
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Mechanics of Composite Materials
  • Structural Design/Analysis
  • Bonded and Bolted Joints
Areas of Teaching Interest

 Courses Taught/Teaching at AE Dept., Â鶹´«Ă˝ (2004-Present)

  1. Statics
  2. Mechanics of Materials
  3. Flight Structures I
  4. Flight Structures II
  5. Finite Element Analysis of Structures I
  6. Finite Element Analysis of Structures II
  7. Theory of Elasticity
  8. Advanced Mechanics of Materials
  9. Vibration Analysis
  10. Structural Dynamics
  11. Theory of Elastic Stability
  12. Energy Principles of Applied Mechanics

  Courses Taught at ME Dept., Â鶹´«Ă˝ (1997-2004)

  1. Mechanical Engineering Design I
  2. Mechanical Engineering Design II
  3. Applications of Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Systems
  4. Advanced Machine Design
  5. Advanced Design

  Short Courses Taught at Â鶹´«Ă˝

  1. Basic Composites: March 2008, October 2008, December 2008, January 2010, March 2010
  2. Advanced Composites: April 2010 and June 2011

  Courses Taught at Louisiana State University (1993-1997)

  1. Dynamics
  2. Intermediate Dynamics
  3. Engineering Use of Electronic Computers (Numerical Methods)
  4. Advanced Engineering Use of Electronic Computers (Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods)
  5. Mechanical Vibrations
  6. Machine Design Laboratory
  7. Machine Design III (Machine Components Design)
  8. Advanced Machine Design



 Refereed Journal Articles

  1. H. Shahverdi Moghaddam, S.R. Keshavanarayana, C. Yang, A.L. Horner, “Anisotropic Hyperelastic Constitutive Modeling of In-Plane Finite Deformation Responses of Commercial Composite Hexagonal Honeycombs,” Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol. 24, Issue 1, January 2022.
  2. H. Shahverdi Moghaddam, S.R. Keshavanarayana, D. Ivanov, C. Yang, and A.L. Horner, “In-Plane Shear Response of a Composite Hexagonal Honeycomb Core under Large Deformation - A Numerical and Experimental Study,” Composite Structures, V. 268, Article 113984, July 2021.
  3. C. Yang, H. Shahverdi Moghaddam, S.R. Keshavanarayana, and A.L. Horner, “An Analytical Approach to Characterize Uniaxial In-Plane Responses of Commercial Hexagonal Honeycomb Core under Large Deformations,” Composite Structures, Vol. 211, pp. 100-111, March 1, 2019.
  4. S.R. Keshavanarayana, H. Shahverdi, A. Kothare, C. Yang, and J. Bingenheimer, “The Effect of Node Bond Adhesive Fillet on Uniaxial In-Plane Responses of Hexagonal Honeycomb Core,” Composite Structures, Vol. 175, pp. 111-122, 2017.
  5. C. Yang, J.S. Tomblin, L. Salah, “Stress Model and Strain Energy Release Rate of a Prescribed Crack in Scarf Joint/Repair of Composite Panels,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 49, No. 29, pp. 3635-3663, 2015.
  6. A. Chadegani, C. Yang, and S.S. Smeltzer III, “Adhesive‑Bonded Composite Joint Analysis with Delaminated Surface Ply Using Strain‑Energy Release Rate,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 503-520, 2012. (Also presented at the 2009 Aging Aircraft Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 4-7, 2009.)
  7. C. Yang and Z. Guan, “Stress Analysis of Composite Pipe Joints under Combined Torsional and Tensile Loading,” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 131, No. 5, pp. 051210-1-051210-6, October 2009.
  8. A. Chadegani, C. Yang, and E. Dan-Jumbo, “Strain Energy Release Rate Analysis of Adhesive‑Bonded Composite Joints with a Prescribed Interlaminar Crack,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 203-215, 2009. (Also Published in Proc. The 49th  AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Science Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois, April 7-10, 2008.)
  9. C. Yang, A. Chadegani, and J.S. Tomblin, “Strain Energy Release Rate Determination of Prescribed Cracks in Adhesively‑Bonded Single‑Lap Composite Joints with Thick Bondlines,” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 863-873, 2008.
  10. C. Yang, W. Sun, W. Seneviratne, and A.K. Shashidhar, “Thermally Induced Loads of Fastened Hybrid Composite/Aluminum Structures,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 569-580, 2008.
  11. C. Yang, W. Sun, J.S. Tomblin, and S.S. Smeltzer III, “A Semi-Analytical Method for Determining the Strain Energy Release Rate of Cracks in Adhesively-Bonded Single-Lap Composite Joints,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 13, pp. 1579-1602, 2007.
  12. C. Yang, H. Huang, J.S. Tomblin, and W. Sun, “Elastic‑Plastic Model of Adhesive‑Bonded Single‑Lap Composite Joints,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 293-309, 2004. (Also Published in Proc. Thirteenth International Conference of Composite Materials, Beijing, China, June 25-29, 2001.)
  13. C. Yang, H. Huang, and Z. Guan, “Stress Model of Composite Pipe Joints under Bending,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1331-1348, 2002. (Also Published in Proc. Ninth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/9), pp. 867-868, San Diego, California, July 1-6, 2002.)
  14. H. Huang, C. Yang, J.S. Tomblin, and P. Harter, “Stress and Failure Analyses of Adhesive-Bonded Composite Joints using ASTM D3165 Specimens,” ASTM Journal of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 93-104, 2002. (Also Published in Proc. American Society for Composites 15th Annual Technical Conference, pp. 599-608, College Station, Texas, September 24-27, 2000.)
  15. J.S. Tomblin, P. Harter, W. Senevirante, and C. Yang, “Characterization of Bondline Thickness Effects in Adhesive Joints,” ASTM Journal of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 332-344, 2002. (Also Published in Proc. American Society for Composites 15th Annual Technical Conference, pp. 589-598, College Station, Texas, September 24‑27, 2000.)
  16. Z. Guan and C. Yang, “Low-Velocity Impact and Damage Process of Composite Laminates,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 851-871, 2002. (Also Published in Proc. Seventh International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7), pp. 291-292, Denver, Colorado, July 2-8, 2000.)
  17. C. Yang, H. Huang, J.S. Tomblin, D.W. Oplinger, “Evaluation and Adjustments for ASTM D 5656 -- Standard Test Method for Thick-Adherend Metal Lap-Shear Joints for Determination of the Stress-Strain Behavior of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading,” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 36-43, 2001. (Also Published in Proc. Seventh International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7), Denver, Colorado, July 2-8, 2000, pp. 353B354.)
  18. C. Yang, “Design and Analysis of Composite Pipe Joints under Tensile Loading,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 332-349, 2000. (Also Published in Proc. Fifth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/5), Las Vegas, NV, July 5-11, 1998, pp. 987-988.)
  19. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Stress-Strain Analysis of a Taper-Taper Adhesive-Bonded Joint under Cylindrical Bending,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 121, No. 3, pp. 374-380, 1999.
  20. H.D. Jerro, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Kinematics Analysis of the Chipping Process Using the Circular Diamond Saw Blade,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 257-264, 1999. (Also Published in Materials and Design Technology, ASME PD ‑ Vol. 71 (Eds.: T.J. Kozik and K.S. Surana), pp. 83-88, 1995.)
  21. H.D. Jerro, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Grit Distribution in Superabrasive Diamond Sawing,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 1. Issue 1, pp. 25-38, 1998.
  22. M.A. Stubblefield, C. Yang, S.S. Pang, and R.H. Lea, “Development of Heat-Activated Joining Technology for Composite-to-Composite Pipe Using Prepreg Fabric,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 143-149, January 1998. (Also Published in Proc. ASME 8th Annual International Energy Week Conference & Exhibition -- Book IV, Energy Engineering I, Vol. III, Composite Materials Design and Analysis, pp. 176-181, Houston, Texas, January 27-31, 1997.)
  23. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “A Laminated Plate Model of An Adhesive-Bonded Taper-Taper Joint Under Tension,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 408-414, October 1997.
  24. C. Yang, S.S. Pang, and Y. Zhao, “Buckling Analysis of Thick-Walled Composite Pipe under External Pressure,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 409-426, 1997. (Also  presented at ASME 1995 Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, California, June 28-30, 1995.)
  25. A. Huille, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Buckling Analysis of Thick-Walled Composite Pipe Under Torsion,” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 119, No. 1, pp. 111-121, February 1997.
  26. Y. Zhao, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Correlation of Tensile and Bending Strength of Composites with a Circular Hole,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 542-547, October 1996.
  27. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Strain Distribution in a Taper-Taper Adhesive-Bonded Joint in a Composite Flat Plate,” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 280-291, July 1996. (Also published in Proc. SPE 1994 Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), San Francisco, May 1-5 (1994).)
  28. C. Yang and S.S. Pang, “Stress-Strain Analysis of Single-Lap Composite Joints under Tension,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 118, No. 2, pp. 247-255, April 1996. (Also Published in Composite Material Technology, Eds.: D. Hui, T.J. Kozik, and O.O. Ochoa, ASME PD ‑ Vol. 53 pp. 63-71, 1993.)
  29. S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and Y. Zhao, “Impact Response of Single-Lap Composite Joints,” Composites Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 1011-1027, 1995. (Also Presented in Proc. First International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/1), New Orleans, Louisiana, Aug. 29-31, 1994.)
  30. R.A. Mirshams, Y. Zhao, D.I. Sims, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and H.P. Mohamadian, “Involvement of Undergraduate Students in Determining Thermal Expansion Coefficients for High-Temperature Alloys,” Journal of Materials Education, Vol. 16, Nos. 5&6, 1994.
  31. C. Yang and S.S. Pang, “Stress‑Strain Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Single‑Lap Composite Joints under Cylindrical Bending,” Composites Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 1051-1063, 1993. (Also Published in Proc. SPE 50th Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), pp. 1605-1609, 1992.)
  32. C. Yang, S.S. Pang and S.A. Griffin, “Strength Model of Adhesive-Bonded Double-Lap Joints Under Cantilevered Bending,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 632-640, 1992. (Also Published in Proc. 49th SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 1991.)
  33. S.S. Pang, Y. Zhao, C. Yang, and S.A. Griffin, “Impact Response of Composite Laminates with A Hemispherical Indenter,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 31, No. 20, pp. 1461-1466, October 1991. (Also Published in Proc. 48th SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 1990.)
  34. S.A. Griffin, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Strength Model of Adhesive-Bonded Composite Pipe Joints under Tension,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 533-538, 1991. (Also Published in Proc. 48th SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), 1990.)

 Book Chapter

  1. C. Yang, “Calculation of Strain Energy Release Rates for Bonded Joints with a Prescribed Crack,” Composite Joints and Connections: Principles, Modeling and Testing, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2011.

 FAA Technical Reports

  1. C. Yang, J.S. Tomblin, and Z. Guan, “Analytical Modeling of ASTM Lap Shear Adhesive Specimens,” DOT/FAA/AR-02/130, February 2003.
  2. C. Yang and J.S. Tomblin, “Investigation of Adhesive Behavior in Aircraft Applications,” DOT/FAA/AR-01/57, September 2001.
  3. J.S. Tomblin, C. Yang, and P. Harter, “Investigation of Thick Bondline Adhesive Joints,” DOT/FAA/AR-01/33, June 2001.

 NASA Technical Memorandums

  1. C. Yang, M. Babai, W.E. Guin, and J.R. Jackson, “Forward Joint of Payload Adaptor for the Space Launch System,” NASA/TM—2020-5003520, pp. 151-160, August 2020.
  2. C. Yang, W.E. Guin, and J.R. Jackson, “Finite Element Analysis of Progressive Failure in Pinned Joints of Composite Panels,” NASA/TM—2019-220139, pp. 127-136, December 2019.
  3. C. Yang, J.R. Jackson, and W.E. Guin, “Composite Payload Attach Fitting,” NASA/TM—2017-219848, pp. 204-212, December 2017.

 Conference Proceedings (Full-Length Papers)

  1. H. Shahverdi, S.R. Keshavanarayana, D. Ivanov, C. Yang, and A.L. Horner, “Anisotropic Hyperelastic Constitutive Modeling of Fiberglass/Phenolic Hexagonal Honeycomb Core Subjected to Large In-plane Deformations,” Proc. American Society for Composites 34th Annual Technical Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 23-25, 2019.
  2. H. Shahverdi, S.R. Keshavanarayana, A. Kothare, P. Teoh, C. Yang, and A. Horner, “In-Plane Thermal Characterization of Fiberglass/Phenolic Honeycomb Core Through an Experimental-Numerical Approach,” Proc. American Society for Composites 33rd Annual Technical Conference, pp. 2551-2563, Seattle, Washington, September 24-26, 2018.
  3. H. Shahverdi, C. Yang, S. Keshavanarayana, and A. Horner, “Analysis of In-Plane Mechanical Response of Hexagonal Honeycomb Core: Effect of Node Bond Adhesive and Proposed Analytical Method,” Proc. American Society for Composites 32nd Annual Technical Conference, pp. 2290-2300, West Lafayette, Indiana, October 23-25, 2017.
  4. H. Shahverdi, S.R. Keshavanarayana, C. Yang, and A. Horner, “A Numerical and Experimental Approach to Characterize the Failure Modes of Hexagonal Cell Honeycomb Core under In-Plane Loading,” Proc. American Society for Composites 32nd Annual Technical Conference, pp. 830-839, West Lafayette, Indiana, October 23-25, 2017.
  5. H. Shahverdi, A. Kothare, S.R. Keshavanarayana, C. Yang, and A. Horner, “Experimental and Numerical Study on the Mechanical Response of Fiberglass/Phenolic Honeycomb Core under Uniaxial In-Plane Loading,” Proc. 2017 SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) Annual Technical Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 22-25, 2017.
  6. C. Yang, E. Dan-Jumbo, R. Keller, V. Garg, and S. Keshavanarayana, “Strain Energy Release Rate Analysis of Adhesive‑Bonded Composite Laminate Joints with a Cohesive Crack,” Proc. American Society for Composites 24th Annual Technical Conference, Newark, DE, September 15-17, 2009.
  7. C. Yang, E. Dan-Jumbo, and W. Sun, “Strain Energy Release Rate Analysis of Bonded Structural Composite Joints with a Prescribed Crack,” Proc. 2006 SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) Annual Technical Conference, Long Beach, California, April 30-May 4, 2006.
  8. W. Sun and C. Yang, “Fracture Analysis of Adhesive‑Bonded Single‑Lap Composite Joints,“ Proc. 2004 SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) Annual Technical Conference, Long Beach, California, May 16-20, 2004.
  9. K.K. Krishnan, D. Malzahn, M. Alagic, G. Rimmington, J. Chaudhuri, C. Yang, and M. Barut, “Integrated and Seamless Engineering Education (I-SEE) Paragigm for Multi-Disciplinary Learning and Collaboration in Teaching Product Development,” Proc. 2003 ASEE Midwest Section Meeting, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2003.
  10. C. Yang, Z. Guan, J.S. Tomblin, and W. Sun, “Finite Element Analysis of Adhesive‑bonded Single‑Lap Joints,” Proc. 2002 ASME Energy Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, Houston, Texas, February 4-6, 2002.
  11. C. Yang and Z. Guan, “Stress Analysis of Composite Pipe Joints Under Combined Torsional and Tensile Loading,” Proc. 33rd International SAMPE Technical Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 5-8, 2001.
  12. H. Huang and C. Yang, “Strength Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Single-Lap Composite Joints,” Proc. 2001 ASME Energy Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, Houston, Texas, February 5-7, 2001.
  13. H.D. Jerro, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Finite Element Analysis of the Sawing Process for Superabrasive Diamond Tools,” Proc. 1999 ASME Energy Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, Paper No.: ETCE99-6692, Houston, Texas, February 1-3, 1999.
  14. M.S. Stubblefield, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Heat-Activated Joining Technology for Composite to Alloy Piping Systems,” Proc. 56th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Part 1 (of 3) Apr. 26-30, 1998, V. 1, pp. 1095-1099, 1998, Atlanta, Georgia, Soc Plast Eng Brookfield CT USA.
  15. R.H. Lea and C. Yang, “Improving the Mechanical Properties of Composite Pipe Using Multi-Angle Filament Winding,” Corrosion/98, Proc. NACE Annual Conference & Exposition, Symposium on Managing Corrosion with Plastics, pp. 458/1-458/6, San Diego, California, March 22B27, 1998.
  16. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Buckling Analysis of a Taper-Taper Adhesive-Bonded Joint,” Proc. Energy Resources Technology Conference, Symposium on Composite Materials, Design and Analysis, Houston, Texas, February 2-4, 1998.
  17. C. Yang and R.H. Lea, “Filament Winding of Composite Elbows,” Proc. International Composites EXPO '98, pp. 17‑B/1-17‑B/4, Nashville, Tennessee, January 19-21, 1998.
  18. R.H. Lea, C. Yang, M.A. Stubblefield, and S.S. Pang, “Development of Advanced Composite Piping Systems for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry,” Proc. Second International Conference on Composite Materials for Offshore Operations (CMOO-2), Houston, Texas, October 28-30, 1997.
  19. I. Volpoet, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Residual Compressive Strength of Hand Lay-Up Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Laminates Due to Low Velocity Impact,” Proc. International Composites EXPO'97, pp. 24-C/1-24-C/4, Nashville, Tennessee, January 27-29, 1997. (Also presented at the Third International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/3), pp. 887-888, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 21-26, 1996.)
  20. Z. Huangfu, W. Wang, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, H.D. Jerro, and R.A. Mirshams, “Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Diamond Circular Saw Blades,” Proc. ASME 8th Annual International Energy Week Conference & Exhibition -- Book IV, Energy Engineering I, Vol. III, Composite Materials Design and Analysis, pp. 195-202, Houston, Texas, January 27-31, 1997.
  21. H.D. Jerro, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Grit Distribution in Superabrasive Diamond Sawing,” Proc. ASME 8th Annual International Energy Week Conference & Exhibition -- Book IV, Energy Engineering I, Vol. III, Composite Materials Design and Analysis, pp. 203-211, Houston, Texas, January 27-31, 1997.
  22. M. Ackman, E. Amos, J. Bitting, S. Delapasse, G. Knight Sr., S.S. Pang, C. Yang, “Design of Prototype Road Testing Machine with Variable Cart Speed and Variable Loading,” Proc. ASME 8th Annual International Energy Week Conference & Exhibition Book IV, Energy Engineering I, Vol. III, Composite Materials Design and Analysis, pp. 220-224, Houston, Texas, January 27-31, 1997.
  23. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, ”Stress-Strain Analysis of An Adhesive-Bonded Taper-Taper Joint Between Two Composite Flat Plates,” Proc. 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), Vol. I, pp. 1297-1301, 1996.
  24. Y. Zhao, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, and S.I. Ibekwe, “Tensile and Bending Strength of Orthotropic Composites with a Circular Hole,” Proc. 1996 ASME Energy Week Conference & Exhibition, pp. 120-129, Houston, Texas, January 29-February 2, 1996.
  25. R.A. Mirshams, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Projects in Collaboration with Industry,” Proc. 1995 ASEE/GSW Section Meeting, pp. 247-254, Beaumount, Texas, March 30-31, 1995.
  26. S.S. Pang, S. Krishnappa, and C. Yang, “Impact Response and Microstructural Analysis of Two Glass/Epoxy Composite Laminates,” Impact, Waves, and Fracture, ASME AMD - Vol. 205, pp. 467-480, 1995.
  27. C. Yang, H.D. Jerro, S.S. Pang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Finite Element Analysis of Segmented Circular Sawblades,” Proc. AACP 1994 Science, Engineering, and Technology Seminars (SETS), pp. ME.II.14-ME.II.18, , Houston, Texas, May 28-29, 1994.
  28. J.E. Helms, R.D. Bradshaw, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Analysis of a Taper-Taper Adhesive-Bonded Pipe Joint Without Coupling,” Proc. SPE 1993 Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC), Vol. II, pp. 1468-1473, 1993.
  29. C. Yang and S.S. Pang, “Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Single-Lap Composite Joint under Tension,” Codes and Standard in a Global Environment, ASME PVP ‑ Vol. 259 (Ed.: J.E. Staffiera), pp. 225-236, 1993.
  30. L.L. Cagle, S.S. Pang, C. Yang, Y. Zhao, and C. Martin, “Buckling Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Pipe under External Pressure,” Proc. 1993 NACE First International Symposium on Process Industry Piping, Vol. 49, pp. 1-21, 1993.
  31. S.A. Griffin, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Strength Analysis of Butt and Strap Joints under Tension and Bending,” Proc. 35th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Eds.: G. Janicki, V. Bailey and H. Schjelderup, Vol. 35, pp. 871-880, 1990.
  32. C. Yang and C. Chang, “Optimal Attitude Control of Asymmetric Spacevehicles by Internal Reaction Wheels,” Proc. 11th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, STAMROC‑11‑613, pp. 1249-1258, 1987.

 Presentation/Conference Proceedings (Extended Abstracts)

  1. C. Yang and A. Chadegani, “Strain Energy Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Composite Joints with A Prescribed Crack and Thick Bondlings,” Proc. Fourteenth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/14), Boulder, Colorado, July 2-8, 2006.
  2. S.Y. Chan, C. Yang, and S. Daggett, “Control of Process-Induced Shape Instability of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates,” Proc. Seventh International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7), Denver, Colorado, July 2-8, pp. 109-110, 2000.
  3. C. Yang, “Design and Analysis of Composite Pipe Joints under Bending,” Proc. Sixth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/6), Orlando, FL, June 27 pp. 109-110 July 3, 1999, pp. 913-914.
  4. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Stress-Strain Analysis of a Taper-Taper Composite Joint under Four-Point Bending,” Proc. Fifth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/5), Las Vegas, NV, July 5-11, 1998, pp. 705-706.
  5. W. Sun, C.S. Wang, and C. Yang, “Optimum Design of Composite Tube subject to Strength and Buckling Constraints,” Proc. Fifth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/5), Las Vegas, NV, July 5-11, 1998, pp. 861-862.
  6. S.S. Pang, R.H. Lea, C. Yang, and M.A. Stubblefield, “Advanced Composite Piping Systems in Offshore Oil & Gas Industry,” Proc. Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/4), pp. 51-54, Big Island, Hawaii, July 6-12, 1997.
  7. C. Yang, “Mechanical Characteristics of Multi-Angle Filament Wound Composite Pipe,” Invited Lecture, The Society of Engineers, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 15, 1996.
  8. C. Yang, “Potential Business Application of Composites in Oil and Gas Industry,” National Conference On Composites Technology 1996, Melacca, Malaysia, August 12-13, 1996.
  9. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “Buckling Analysis of an Adhesive-Bonded Taper-Taper Joint between Two Composite Plates,” Proc. Third International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/3), pp. 353-354, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 21-26, 1996.
  10. M.A. Stubblefield, C. Yang, S.S. Pang, V.T. Montgomery, and R.H. Lea, “Heat Distribution in the Curing of Prepreg Fabric for Composite Pipe Joint,” Proc. Third International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/3), pp. 803-804, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 21-26, 1996.
  11. M.A. Stubblefield, C. Yang, S.S. Pang, and R.H. Lea, “The Qualification of Advanced Composite Pipe for Use in Fire Water Deluge Systems on Open Type Offshore Oil Platforms,” Proc. Third International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/3), pp. 945-946, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 21-26, 1996.
  12. J.E. Helms, C. Yang, and S.S. Pang, “A Laminated Plate Model of An Adhesive-Bonded Taper-Taper Joint Between Two Composite Flat Plates,” Proc. Second International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/2), pp. 321-322, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 21-24, 1995.
  13. C.P. Boudreaux, W.L. Grace, J.D. Holston, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Design and Construction of An ASTM F-1173 Fire Test Rig for Composite Piping Systems,” Proc. 32nd Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, pp. 59-60, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 29-November 2, 1995.
  14. H.D. Jerro, C. Yang, S.S. Pang, and R.A. Mirshams, “Stress Analysis of Chipping Process of Superabrasive Diamond Blades,” Proc. 32nd Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, pp. 247-248, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 29-November 2, 1995.
  15. C. Yang, Y. Zhao, S.S. Pang, Z. Huangfu, and R.A. Mirshams, “Mechanical Properties of Al-Li Sheets with Various Biaxial Strain Conditions,” Proc. 32nd Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, pp. 691-692, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 29-November 2, 1995.
  16. C. Yang, S.S. Pang, Y. Zhao, and L.L. Cagle, “Prediction of External Pressure Resistance of Composite Pipe,” Proc. First International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/1) (Ed.: D. Hui), pp. 579-580, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 28-31, 1994.
  17. Y. Zhao, S.S. Pang, and C. Yang, “Correlation of Tensile and Bending Strength of Notched Composite Laminates,” Proc. First International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/1) (Ed.: D. Hui), pp. 593-594, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 28-31, 1994.
  18. C. Yang, “Strength Model of Adhesive Bonded Composite Pipe Joints under Tension,” Invited Lecture, Society of Plastics Engineers, Gulf South Central Section, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 13, 1990.
Professional Experience
  • 8/13-Present: Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/98-Present: Faculty Fellow, National Institute for Aviation Research, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/11-8/13: Boeing Global Engineering Leadership Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/09-8/11: Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 6/04-8/09: Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/03-6/04: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/97-8/03: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝
  • 8/97-12/98: Special Consultant, Specialty Plastics, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 8/94-8/97: Assistant Professor--Research, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • 11/95-8/97: Director of Research and Development, Specialty Plastics, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 8/93-8/94: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • 1/93-11/95: Consulting Engineer, Specialty Plastics, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 1/89-8/93: Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • 1/91-5/91: Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • 6/87-12/88: Research Associate, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Awards and Honors
  • NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2017, 2018, and 2019
  • Boeing Global Engineering Leadership Professorship, 2011-2013
  • Boeing Fellowship in Globalization of Engineering, 2010-2011
  • Airbus Fellowship, 2006-2009
  • Boeing Welliver Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2007
  • Â鶹´«Ă˝ College of Engineering Dwane and Velma Wallace Outstanding Educator Award Toward Excellence in Research, 2006
  • Most Outstanding Professor of the Year Award, Â鶹´«Ă˝ Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, 2006
  • Polished Professor Award of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Council, College of Engineering, Â鶹´«Ă˝, 2005, 2006, and 2010
  • Boeing Fellowship, 2005-2006
  • Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineers, 2005
  • Â鶹´«Ă˝ Academy for Effective Teaching Award, 2004
  • Best Paper Award, 1995 ASME Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition (ETCE) Composite Materials Symposium (ASME Petroleum Division), 1995
  • Finalist, Best Student Paper Award, 1993 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Denver, Colorado, July 25-29, 1993
  • First Prize, TA Instruments Student Research Proposal Award, Society of Plastics Engineers, 1991


  1. C. Yang and S. Keshavanarayana, “Pinned Joints of Composite Honeycomb Sandwich Panels,” NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, 8/14/2019-7/31/2021, $188,005 ($94,297 from NASA, $93,907 Â鶹´«Ă˝ matching).
  2. S. Keshavanarayana and C. Yang, “Cell Distortion and Node Bond Failures in Honeycomb Cores,” Spirit AeroSystems, 8/1/2015-7/31/2019, $430,000.
  3. J.S. Tomblin, L. Salah, and C. Yang, “Repair of Composite Structures,” State of Kansas, 7/1/2010-8/30/2017, $2,000,000.
  4. W. Seneviratne and C. Yang, “Characterization of Adhesive Properties for the Development of Progressive Damage Growth Analysis,” Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), 6/30/2011-12/31/2011, $36,000.
  5. C. Yang, “Analysis of Composite Scarf-Patch Repair,” The Boeing Company, 11/01/2008- 5/30/2010, $88,000.
  6. J.S. Tomblin, T. Aldag, and C. Yang, “Adhesive Characterization,” State of Kansas, 7/1/2007-6/30/2011, $25,000 (Co-PI portion).
  7. C. Yang, “NASA Partnership Development in the Area of Adhesive-Bonded Composite Joints,” NASA EPSCoR, 5/15/2008-10/15/2008, $15,680.
  8. C. Yang, “Analysis of Composite Repair,” The Boeing Company, 6/05/2008-7/20/2008, $20,000.
  9. C. Yang and W. Seneviratne, “Design Philosophies for Structures Utilizing Metal and Composites with Large CTE Differences,” State of Kansas, 7/1/2003-6/30/2007, $750,000.
  10. J.S. Tomblin, L. Salah, B.L. Smith, and C. Yang, “Repair of Composite Structures,” State of Kansas, 7/1/2004-6/30/2007, $400,000.
  11. C. Yang, “High Temperature Adhesives for Application to Aerocapture,” NASA Langley Research Center, 04/11/2003-12/31/2006, $145,000.
  12. C. Yang, “Analysis of Adhesively-Bonded Composite Joints,” Northrop Grumman Corporation, 1/01/04-6/30/05, $25,000.
  13. J.S. Tomblin, W. Seneviratne, and C. Yang, “Adhesive Characterization and Element Testing of Fatigued and Damaged Bonded Joints,” FAA, 9/1/2004-8/30/2006, $250,000.
  14. W. Stevenson, D. Burns, M. VanStipdonk, V. Storhaug, and C. Yang, “Methods for the Evaluation of the Fitness of Fiber Reinforced Composite Surfaces for Subsequent Adhesive Bonding,” FAA, 9/15/2004-3/14/2006, $300,000.
  15. J.S. Tomblin, C. Yang, and W. Seneviratne, “Adhesive Joint Characterization and Testing,” State of Kansas, 7/1/2004‑6/30/2005, $150,000.
  16. C. Yang, B.L. Smith, J.S. Tomblin, B. Gile-Laflin, and S. O'Connor, “Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Composites for Aviation Industry,” NSF, 07/01/1999-06/30/2003, $286,676.
  17. P.M.A. Sherwood, K.B. Lease, Y. Wang (Kansas State University), R.D. Hale (University of Kansas), and C.Yang (Â鶹´«Ă˝), “Studies of the Role of Surface Treatment and Sizing of Carbon Fiber Surfaces on the Mechanical Properties of Composite Containing Carbon Fibers,” NASA/EPSCoR/KTEC, 01/01/1998-12/31/2002, $570,000. (Subcontract from Kansas State University to Â鶹´«Ă˝ $103,620)
  18. C. Yang, “Investigation of Adhesive Behavior in Aircraft Applications,” FAA, 01/01/2001-06/30/2002, $60,840.
  19. C. Yang and B. Bahr, “Control of Process-Induced Shape Instability of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates,” Aircraft Design & Manufacturing Research Center, 01/01/1999-3/29/2002, $150,474.
  20. J.S. Tomblin and C. Yang, “Investigation of Adhesive Behavior in Aircraft Applications,” FAA, 01/01/1999-06/30/2000, $153,000.
  21. C. Yang, “Mechanical Characterization of Structural Adhesives and Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Composite Joints,” NSF EPSCoR/K*STAR First Award, 12/01/1998-9/30/1999, $46,486.
  22. C. Yang, J.S. Tomblin, H. Lankarani, and T. Lacy, “Enhancing Aviation Research through Acquisition of Impact Test Equipment,” NSF EPSCoR/K*STAR and Â鶹´«Ă˝, 02/01/1999-01/31/2000, $106,136 ($53,068 from NSF/K*STAR, $53,068 Cash Match from Â鶹´«Ă˝).
  23. C.S. Wang (Southern University), S.S. Pang (Louisiana State University), C. Yang (Wichita State University), and Y. Zhao (Louisiana State University), “Composite Truss Design Optimization,” NASA, 07/15/1997-12/31/1999, $380,000. (Subcontract from Southern University to Â鶹´«Ă˝: $36,400, 07/15/1997-12/31/1999.)
  24. C. Yang, “Stress Modeling of Composite Pipe Joints under Tensile Loading,” Advanced Technology Program/National Institute of Standards and Technology (ATP/NIST), a subcontract from Louisiana State University to Â鶹´«Ă˝, 01/01/1998-08/31/1998, $9,920.