Subscribe to Listserv

This listserv is provided by the Department of Public Health Sciences. The purpose of this listserv is to provide job announcements to students, graduates and alumni interested in employment opportunities.

Subscribe by EMAIL:

To JOIN Jobs Listserv:

  • Send an email addressed to:
  • Leave the subject line blank. This is important.
  • In body of the message enter: Subscribe PHSJOBLISTINGS-L First Name Last Name

(example: Subscribe PHSJOBLISTINGS-L Jane Doe)

  • Do not type anything else. This is also important.
  • You will receive a welcome message.

Unsubscribe by EMAIL:

To LEAVE Jobs Listserv:

Note: The following must be done using the email address you originally subscribed as.

  • Send an email addressed to:
  • Leave the subject line blank. This is important.
  • The body of the message should be: Unsubscribe PHSJOBLISTINGS-L First Name Last Name

(example: Unsubscribe PHSJOBLISTINGS-L Jane Doe)

  • Do not type anything else. This is also important.
  • You will receive a farewell message.