The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Fall 2007 semester.
August 28, 2007
Dr. Natasha Flyer
Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences (IMAGe) Boulder, CO
"The character of initial-boundary value problems and their numerical solution."
August 31, 2007
Dr. Harold Parks
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
"Generalizing Faulhaber's Formula to Non-Integral Powers"
September 28, 2007
Dr. Victor Isakov
"Inverse problems in secondary oil recovery"
October 5, 2007
Dr. Xiaomi Hu
"Asymptotical distributions, parameters and coverage probabilities of tolerance limits"
October 12, 2007
Dr. Buma Fridman
"On fixed point sets for holomorphic maps"
October 26, 2007
Prof. Yuehua Wu
York University, Canada
"General M-estimation and its application in statistical signal processing"
November 2, 2007
Prof. Roberto Triggiani
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
"The Parabolic-Hyperbolic System of Fluid-Structure Interaction: Well-Posedness, Spectral
Analysis, Strong and Exponential Stability, Backward Uniqueness"
November 9, 2007
Dr. Cristina Caputo
University of Texas at Austin
"Degenerate Nonlinear Curvature Flows"
November 16, 2007
Dr. Klaus Kirsten
Baylor University
"Spectral functions: Techniques and applications"