The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Fall 2006 semester.
August 25, 2006
Prof. Heinz W. Engl
J. Kepler University, Austrian Academy of Science, Linz, Austria
"Regularization of Nonlinear Inverse Problems: Convergence Analysis, New Challenges"
September 8, 2006
Prof. Shingyu Leung
University of California, Irvine
"A New Model for Variational PDE-Based Image Processing"
September 22, 2006
Prof. Yu Yuan
University of Washington, Seattle
"Special Lagrangian Equations"
September 29, 2006
Dr. John Robertson
"Cohomology of Subsheaves (for Dynamical Systems)"
October 6, 2006
Dr. Gregory Chaitin
IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
"How serious is Godel's incompleteness theorem?"
October 13, 2006
Dr. Christian Wolf
"Entropy, Pressure and Periodic Orbits"
October 20, 2006
Dr. Hari Mukerjee
"Testing Equality of k Distribution Functions Against Ordered Alternatives"
October 27, 2006
Dr. Kirk Lancaster
"Blow ups of prescribed mean curvature surfaces at boundary points: convex corners"
November 3, 2006--CANCELLED
Dr. Kirk Lancaster
"A proof of the Concus-Finn Conjecture"
November 17, 2006
Dr. Robert Burridge
Earth Resources Lab., MIT
"Some early earthquake source models"
December 1, 2006
Prof. Darren Crowdy
Imperial College London & MIT
"Vortex motion in complex domains: new theoretical perspectives"