Minutes of the 麻豆传媒 Faculty Senate
Monday, March 26, 2012
CH 126 3:30 pm
Members Present: Adler, Barut, Besthorn, Bolin, Beeson, Bryant, Celestin, Close, Decker, DeSilva,
Dilollo, Driessen, Hemans, Henry, Horn, Hull, Jacobs, Johnson, Klunder, Lewis, Matveyeva,
Miller, Mosack, Rokosz, Ross, Russell, Skinner, M. Smith, Solomey,
Members Absent: Carruthers, Jeffres, Kumar, Mandt, Moore-Jansen, Mukeerjee, Pulaski, P. Smith, Thompson,
Toops, Yeager, Yildirim
Members Excused: Gibson, Rillema
Summary of Action:
1. Accepted the proposed revisions to the Catalog regarding General Education
I. Call to Order
President Steven Skinner called the meeting to order at 3:30pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals 鈥 Senator Klunder asked President Skinner if he had any information concerning the
proposal to allow nine month appointments to be spread over a twelve month pay schedule.
President Skinner responded that he was working with Mary Herrin, Vice President of
Finance, to set up the system. The only none complication is dealing with those people
that earn additional money from grants during the summer months. Skinner was optimistic
about the possibility of getting the system in place soon.
III. Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the March 12, 2012, meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved with
no dissent.
IV. President's Report
1. Kansas Board of Regents - The Council of Faculty Senate Presidents discussed the following two issues: eligibility
of all leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for shared leave and inclusion
of faculty research interest on a KBOR portal.
a. FMLA/shared leave 鈥 Currently the twelve weeks of leave under the FMLA are un-paid leave. Most of the
members of the Council of Faculty Presidents favor allowing those taking this leave
to be eligible paid leave using shared leave. A straw vote indicated near unanimous
support for the recommendation.
b. Faculty research interest on KBOR portal - Again the mood of the senate was in support of the inclusion of faculty interest
on a KBOR portal in order to foster faculty collaboration.
2. Presidential Search - Three on-campus interviews are scheduled for April 8-11 and an additional two have
been scheduled for April 15-17. Members of the faculty senate, the Research Council,
and the Graduate Council have been invited to meet with the five candidates that have
been selected for campus interviews. Bobbi will take reservations for at most 15 senators
to attend each meeting. These meetings will take place from 1:45 - 2:45pm on each
of the days of the visits. The senators will remain after the conclusion of each meeting
to discuss their impression of each candidate and to form a consensus opinion of the
Senate. In addition, an open forum has been scheduled for each candidate beginning
at 4pm in 211 Hubbard Hall.
3. President's Distinguished Service Awards will be given at the Shocker Pride Celebration on May 3, 2012, starting at 3:00pm.
4. The Faculty Awards Ceremonies and General Faculty Meeting have been scheduled for May 4, 2012, starting at 2:30pm in room 211 Hubbard Hall.
The awards ceremony will begin at 3:00pm and the faculty meeting will begin at approximately
5. President Skinner asked for a volunteer to serve on a faculty ad hoc committee
to develop an on-line version of the Faculty Activity Report. Senator Susan Mateyeva
volunteered and was approved unanimously.
V. Committee Reports
Rules Committee - Senator Ross, chair of Rules committee, announced that two grievances were in progress.
He said that there are still a few vacancies on senate committees, and that he was
beginning the process of recruiting people to serve on next year's Senate Executive
SGA 鈥 Brianna Kitchings, SGA Campus Issues Chair, reported on current SGA activities.
1. Campaigning for SGA officers for next year begins April 8. SGA would appreciate
faculty approval for very short campaign presentation during class time if possible.
Adrian Love, SGA Chief Election Commissioner, is the contact for those wanting more
2. Brianna is coordinating the student, student workers, and faculty surveys that
will be distributed the second week of April. The faculty survey will contain about
twenty questions.
3. The SGA banquet is scheduled for April 27 from 5:30-11:30pm at the 2oth Century
House. All faculty and students are welcome to attend.
VI. Old Business
President Skinner presented the second reading of the proposed changes to the General Education Catalog copy. These recommendations are the
results of the work of last year's Ad Hoc General Education Committee, President Skinner,
and past President Hemans. The list of general education courses remains unchanged
with the exception that the further studies classes and the Issues and Perspectives
classes have been combined in the Tier 3 classes. Again President Skinner emphasized
the fact that these revisions are intended to document the University's move to an
assessment-based general education program and that none of the classes have been
removed nor have any been added. Senator Hull moved for approval of the suggested
recommendations for changes in the general education catalog copy; Senator Lewis seconded
the motion. During the course of the discussion both Hull and Lewis approved the following
two friendly amendments: a C- grade in each of the four basic skills courses is satisfactory
completion and testing out of a course satisfies the requirement, but does not generate
the credit hours for the course. The original motion along with the two friendly amendments
was approved with no dissent.
VII. New Business 鈥 none
VIII. As May Arise - none
XI. Adjournment
The meeting of the Faculty Senate was adjourned at 4:21pm.
Submitted by Walter Horn
Secretary of the Faculty Senate