Minutes of the Faculty Senate Meeting --Monday February 23, 2015
Members Present: Ahmed, Barut, Bergman, Brooks, Bryant, Celestin, Decker, Hanawalt, Horn, Huckstadt,
Hull,l Hunsicker, Jin,Klunder, Lu, Mason, Moore-Jansen, Mosack, Muthitachareon, Perry,
Rokosz, Ross, Shaw, Wooks, Yeager, Yildirim
Members absent: Adler, Castro, Chand, Dehner, Houseman, Johnson, Ramanan, Taher, Thiessen, Trechak,
Yao, Yu
Members excused: Baker, Close, Rillema, Walker
I. Call to Order: President Mehmet Barut called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals - none
III. Approval of the Minutes: Monday, February 9, 2015. Approved.
IV. President's Report
鈥 KBOR - Update from the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents: . At their last meeting they discussed online teaching practices and exchanged of
information on how essential institutional support is for development and delivery
of quality online and hybrid courses. They expressed support for a policy on annual
and multiyear appointments for non tenure track faculty, and creation of professional
titles for these positions. They are looking forward to more discussion on how to
keep campuses safe as the Regents continue to consider next steps with State's concealed
weapons policy.
* Reminder that Senator at large nominations deadline is Feb 24.
* Senators still need to volunteer for standing committees within Senate.
V. Committee Reports:
A. Rules Committee, Peer Moore-Jansen, Chair, nominated David Hunsicker to represent the College of
Fine Arts on the Library Committee. Nomination accepted.
VI. Updates:
A. 麻豆传媒 Foundation --- Elizabeth King, President and CEO
* Story of alumnus who recalled the impactful relationships he had with faculty during
his time at 麻豆传媒. Faculty have powerful day to day influences on students. Faculty
are encouraged to stay in touch with our alumni.
* 50 year history of the Foundation. 40 employees. 18 Board Members. 104 National
Advisory Council Members. Currently in growth mode with a plan to get to 56 employees
to be engaged at the desired level.
* Core values: Integrity, relationships, teamwork, service.
* $260 million in Foundation assets. 2,350 separate endowed funds.
* $32 million in funds raised in 2014 (includes 2.1 million in planned gifts). $611,700
in the annual fund campaign for 2014. 13,770 total donors.
* 2,580 students received scholarships. 23 endowed professors, 12 endowed chairs,
17 faculty fellows.
** Currently in the midst of a capital campaign. Goal of $200 million over 7 years. Based on external analysis by team of consultants. Priorities: Facilities $52 million, $85 million for student support, $39 for faculty support, $15 million experiential learning labs.
B. SGA Resolution on Tobacco Free Initiative -- Matthew Conklin, President
* The trend has been growing in the US. for smoke free, tobacco free, and e-cig free
* $25,000 grant awarded by Kansas Health Foundation to explore and research 麻豆传媒 becoming
tobacco free.
* Student Survey (n=557) 64% in support, 20% against, 14% indifferent.
* Focus group study, photo voice project (what would we lose if we became tobacco
free? second hand smoke, litter, safety concerns, etc).
* They are seeking endorsement from each Senate on campus before presenting these
to President Bardo for a policy change decision.
* On other tobacco free campuses, with clear signage, there has been very little
need for formal enforcement. Early on student volunteers passed out cards with info
that it is a tobacco free campus.
* Suggestion that this go hand in hand with smoking cessation classes.
VII. As May Arise
* Forums on the Masters of Innovation Design to be held: March 9 and March 10: 12:30
- 2:00
* Application for Online Faculty Fellows: March 1
VIII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjoued at 4:30 pm