Monday, September 14, 2015
CH 126 3:30 pm β 5:00pm
I. Call to Order
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
III. Approval of the Minutes
2014 β 15 Senate: May 11, 2015
Election meeting for the 2015 β 16 Senate: May 11, 2015
IV. Updates:
United Way Campaign: Pat Hanranhan
Office Of Student Success: Kim Sandlin, Director
V. President's Report
VI. Committee Reports:
A. Rules β Carolyn Shaw, member
B. Planning and Budget Committee: election of a member from Engineering & Fine Arts
( must be a Senator representing those units)
VII. Old Business -- none
VIII. New Business
A. Welcome new and returning Senators
IX. As May Arise
X. Adjournment