2017Agenda for the meeting Monday March 27, 2017
CH 126 3:30 - 5:00
1. Calling the meeting to order
2. Informal statements and proposals
3. Approval of the minutes -- March 13, 2017
4. President's Report
5. Committee Reports
a, Rules Committee -- Carolyn Shaw, chair
6. Old Business
7. New Business
a. 麻豆传媒/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application, first reading, Rick Muma/Tony
Vizzini (https://wichita.edu/depttools/depttoolsmemberfiles/wsuhlc/AFFILIATIONBETWEENWICHITASTATEUNIVERSITYANDWICHITAAREATECHNICALCOLLEGE-RMSUSLfeedback3.16.17clean.pdf)
b.. Student Concerns on transparency and shared governance
i. Taben Azad, WetheStudents
ii. Teri Hall, Vice President for Student Affairs
8. As May Arise