Participate in the Annual Engineering Research Symposium

An annual Engineering Research Symposium with poster competition is hosted annually to facilitate the exchange of ideas and provide an avenue for students to develop their technical presentation skills. In addition, the event serves as an opportunity to share research outcomes from the College of Engineering with the local community. The next Research Symposium will be held in November 2024.


Student Categories

Students can parcipate in one of the three categories:


This category is for students who are in the early stage of research. Students should be able to show their ability to conduct literature review and find research directions. The following students are eligible to participate in this group:

  • Any bachelor鈥檚 student.

  • Ph.D. students within their 1.5 years of education.


The students who are in their intermediate stage of research will represent this category. Students should be able to show their ability to conduct a more thorough literature review, introduce their research idea and show the preliminary results. The eligibility of the students to participate in this group is:

  • Any master's student.
  • Ph.D. students within their 1.5 to 3 years of education.

The students who are approaching their final stage of research will represent this category. Students should be able to show their ability to present their original research outcomes and how the conducted work is related to their dissertation. The following group of students are eligible to participate in this group:

  • Ph.D. students who have completed more than 3 years.

Student Awards

Three winners from each category will be selected and will be awarded as follows:

  • The first place winner in the Novice category will be awarded $500.

  • The first place winner in the Emerging category will be awarded $750.
  • The first place winner in the Proficient category will be awarded $1,000.
  • First and second runners-up will be recognized with a certificate. If sufficient funds are available, they will also receive a monetary award.

  • The College of Engineering will maintain perpetual plaques to recognize the winners. College of Engineering Graduate Student Ambassadors (CoE-GSA) will work with the College of Engineering to update and maintain the perpetual plaques.

Grading Rubric


Criteria Expectation Score
Articulation of the Research Focus The importance of the research and the research gap were identified by the student.
Scholarly Context Conducted literature review was focused on one specific theme, and the literature review justifies the identified research gap. 0-10
Analysis and Interpretation The student was able to specify the objective of their proposed research based on the literature review. 0-10
Implications/Impact The student is aware of the impact that their research could offer to their professional community. 0-10
Quality of Delivery The student was able to succinctly describe the scope in 2-3 minutes and used figures and tables appropriately. 0-10
Professional Conduct The student was enthusiastic about their research and was able to answer all the questions. 0-10


Criteria Expectation Score
Articulation of the Research Focus The student developed/formulated a problem from the identified research gap.
Scholarly Context Sufficient connection between the research gap and performed research was evident. 0-10
Analysis and Interpretation The student has the ability to connect the objective of the research and the needs through rigorous modeling or analysis or simulation. 0-10
Implications/Impact The student could articulate how their research outcome could impact their professional community. 0-10
Quality of Delivery The student was able to succinctly describe the scope in 2-3 minutes and used figures and tables appropriately. 0-10
Professional Conduct The student was enthusiastic about their research and was able to answer all the questions. 0-10


Criteria Expectation Score
Articulation of the Research Focus The central purpose of their hypothesis was clearly articulated. The purpose of the problem was identified, and the results clearly demonstrated how their research solves the research hypothesis.
Scholarly Context The student was able to provide effective solutions to their identified research gap. Appropriate use of theory and modeling to solve the problem. 0-10
Analysis and Interpretation The student provided enough evidence to conclude the research outcomes. Research conducted supports the objective. 0-10
Implications/Impact The student could articulate how their research outcome has improved the specific research area. 0-10
Quality of Delivery The student was able to succinctly describe the scope in 2-3 minutes and used figures and tables appropriately. 0-10
Professional Conduct The student was enthusiastic about their research and was able to answer all the questions. 0-10

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Research Symposium managed?

A steering committee will be formed each year to manage the Annual Engineering Research Symposium. This committee will be under the College of Engineering Graduate Student Ambassadors (CoE-GSA) and the faculty advisor for the CoE-GSA will serve as the faculty advisor for this group.

  • One Ph.D. student from each Ph.D. granting department within the College of Engineering will be invited to serve on the committee. Invitations will be sent to the department chairs through the faculty advisor.

  • The faculty advisor to the CoE Graduate Student Ambassador program will serve on the steering committee as the ex officio.

  • The steering committee will elect a chair among the students who will organize the planning meetings.

  • All decisions will be based on the majority vote by the voting members present in the meeting.

  • The faculty advisor will provide feedback but will not be a voting member.

What is the event timeline?

To begin the officiation of the symposium, the steering committee will be formed at the beginning of the fall semester. Other important dates will be as follows:

  • By September 1, the Research Symposium will start to be advertised. 
  • By October 1, registration for the event will be open. Students are requested to submit an abstract.
  • Between November 1 and 15, the Research Symposium will be held. Student ambassadors will be responsible for advertising, reserving the location and registration for the event. Judging would be managed by graduate coordinators within the CoE.
How does judging work?

During the day of the Research Symposium, multiple faculty members from the College of Engineering and related fields who actively work with Ph.D. students will be invited to serve as judges for each category. This will be the responsibility of the CoE-GSA faculty advisor.