

Helpful Links for a Successful Year


Corbin Fountain

Important Dates and Events


January 6 - January 17 - Spring Presession Classes

January 21 - Spring Weekday and Night Full Semester Classes Begin

January 25- January 26 - Spring Weekend Classes Begin

March 12 - First 8-Week Courses End

March 17 - March 23 - Spring Break

April 4 - Last day to Withdraw from Full Semester Course with "W"

May 8 - Last Day of Classes

May 9 - Study Day

May 10 - May 15 - Final Exams

May 16 - Graduate School Spring Conmencement

May 17 - Undergraduate Spring Commencement

Angela Paul
College of Applied Studies Librarian

Angela Paul

Would you like to be better prepared for class discussion, find information sources, or learn about library collections? The will help, but don't hesitate to ask me! Librarianship is a customer service, and I would love to help you learn how to use library resources. Many of our services can be accessed remotely, and many collections are electronic. Learn more about Ablah Library and virtual library services on the guide called .

Office location: 122A Ablah Library, which is the first office on the left within the Reference Offices suite. 

Please set up an appointment using  or I can be found in the library Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm



Spring 2025 Classes
Course  CRN Course Title Instructor
CI 203 24744 Self-Care for Today's Educators elizabeth.heilman@wichita.edu 
CI 270 22216 Intro to the Ed Profession victoria.opalewski@wichita.edu 
CI 270 23128 Intro to the Ed Profession victoria.opalewski@wichita.edu 
CI 270 22217 Intro to the Ed Profession lucinda.malcolm@wichita.edu 
CI 311 20630 Intro Diversity Field Experinc jonda.walter@wichita.edu 
CI 311 22220 Intro Diversity Field Experinc jonda.walter@wichita.edu 
CI 312 24715 ECU Assessment and Methods lucinda.malcolm@wichita.edu 
CI 313 24196 Read/Write Exceptionalities stacy.shipman@wichita.edu 
CI 320 24745 Intro to Div: Exceptionalities elizabeth.heilman@wichita.edu 
CI 320 26465 Intro to Div: Exceptionalities stacy.shipman@wichita.edu 
CI 321 22552 Intro Diversity: Cultural Issu fuchang.liu@wichita.edu 
CI 321 22319 Intro Diversity: Cultural Issu olivia.butler@wichita.edu 
CI 323 21554 Technology Seminar in Elem Ed danya.burks@wichita.edu 
CI 324 21930 Linguistics for Elem Teachers sunyoung.lee@wichita.edu 
CI 329 26171 Universal Design for Learning stacy.shipman@wichita.edu 
CI 345 23702 Intg Learning through the Arts lisa.morabito@wichita.edu 
CI 401 23864 Prof Collab Schools and Comm elizabeth.heilman@wichita.edu 
CI 402E 22555 Science of Reading 1 robin.folkerts@wichita.edu 
CI 402J 21326 ISAM: Elem Social Studies robin.folkerts@wichita.edu 
CI 402M 21351 ISAM: Elementary Mathematics fuchang.liu@wichita.edu 
CI 402S 24591 ISAM: Elementary Science elizabeth.heilman@wichita.edu 
CI 402U  23705 Science of Reading 2 sunyoung.lee@wichita.edu 
CI 403 24198 Learning and Educ Assessment victoria.opalewski@wichita.edu 
CI 403 2418 Learning and Educ Assessment marsha.howard@wichita.edu
CI 405A 24851 Teaching Internship: ECU K-3 lucinda.malcolm@wichita.edu 
CI 405B 24852 Teaching Internship: ECU Birth-PreK lucinda.malcolm@wichita.edu 
CI 411A 21328 Pre-Teaching Internship: Elementary Core IIA sunyoung.lee@wichita.edu 
CI 411B 21437 Pre-Teaching Internship: Elementary Core IIB fuchang.liu@wichita.edu 
CI 416 22921 Classroom Mgmt and Pedagogy robin.folkerts@wichita.edu 
CI 420 25330 Teaching Grammar in Context katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 425E 22262 ISAM: ML/Sec Methods I: English katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 425J 22621 ISAM: ML/Sec Methods I: History/Government aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 425M 22264 ISAM: ML/Sec Methods I: Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 425S 22265 ISAM: ML/Sec Methods I: Science daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 426E 22266 Core II Practicum: English/Language Arts katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 426J 22267 Core II Practicum: History/Government aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 426M 22268 Core II Practicum: Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 426S 22269 Core II Practicum: Science daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 427 21464 Phil, Hist, Ethics: Education stacy.shipman@wichita.edu 
CI 427 26172 Phil, Hist, Ethics: Education victoria.opalewski@wichita.edu 
CI 436E 22575 ISAM M/S Con Sp Mthd II Engl katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 436J 22576 ISAM M/S Con Sp Mthd II H/G aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 436M 22577 ISAM M/S Con Sp Mthd II Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 436S 22695 ISAM M/S Con Sp Mthd II Sci daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 446 21466 Elementary Teaching Internship and Class Management Seminar robin.folkerts@wichita.edu 
CI 447 21454 Elementary Teaching Internship robin.folkerts@wichita.edu 
CI 461E 21456 Teaching Internship II: ML English/Language Arts katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 461E 21471 Teaching Internship II: ML English/Language Arts katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 461J 21472 Teaching Internship II: ML History/Government aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 461M 21473 Teaching Internship II: ML Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 461M 26173 Teaching Internship II: ML Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 461S 21358 Teaching Internship II: ML Science daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 461S 24753 Teaching Internship II: ML Science daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 471E 21458 Teaching Internship II: Sec. English/Language Arts katie.cramer@wichita.edu 
CI 471J 21459 Teaching Internship II: Sec. History/Government aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 471M 21457 Teaching Internship II: Sec. Math aubrey.neihaus@wichita.edu 
CI 471S 21460 Teaching Internship II: Sec. Science daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 
CI 504 24201 Special Education Law stacy.shipman@wichita.edu 
CI 519 21690 Mathematical Investigations mara.alagic@wichita.edu 
CI 520 23720 Physical Sci Elementary Clsrm elizabeth.tackett@wichita.edu 
CI 744 24717 Trans to Tchg/Resid Intrnshp II ryan.field@wichita.edu 
CI 749 21349 Trans to Tch/Resid Intrnsh IV corrinne.hernandez@wichita.edu 
CI 758 22588 Nat of Teach and Ed Implications jaehwan.byun@wichita.edu 
CI 792 26543 Perfessional Learning Comm jaehwan.byun@wichita.edu 
CI 863 21641 Evd Based Inq: Cap Proj Prop mara.alagic@wichita.edu 
CI 863 21256 Evd Based Inq: Cap Proj Prop aaron.rife@wichita.edu 
CI 863 22299 Evd Based Inq: Cap Proj Prop jaehwan.byun@wichita.edu 
CI 880 22116 Learning Theory & Curr Design jaehwan.byun@wichita.edu 
CI 884 25347 Inquiry into Instructional Practice Part 1 mara.alagic@wichita.edu 
CI 885 22102 Inquiry into Instructional Practice Part 2 mara.alagic@wichita.edu 
CI 893 21541 Instructional Leadership: Prof & Collaboration jaehwan.byun@wichita.edu 
CIPE 202 26175 Individual Sports olivia.butler@wichita.edu 
CIPE 203 26176 Adventure Sports olivia.butler@wichita.edu 
CIPE 300 26177 Rhythmic Activities PreK-12 PE ashleigh.hennessy@wichita.edu
CIPE 310 26178 Org and Adm of PE Program olivia.butler@wichita.edu 
CIPE 324 26179 ISAM: PE in Elementary Grades PreK-5 michelle.kist@wichita.edu 
CIPE 325 26180 ISAM: Pre-Teaching Internship PE - Elementary michelle.kist@wichita.edu 
CIPE 360 26181 Adapted Physical Education michelle.kist@wichita.edu 
CIPE 425 26182 Health, Mvmnt, & Physical Act remington.putter@wichita.edu 
CIPE 471 26184 Teaching Internship - PE Secondary rebekah.winter@wichita.edu 
CIPE 472 26185 Teaching Internship PE Elementary rebekah.winter@wichita.edu 
CIPE 473 16980 Teaching Internship Seminar-PE rebekah.winter@wichita.edu 
FYED 102A 16871 FYS: Superheroes Go to School daniel.bergman@wichita.edu 

Contact Us

1845 Fairmount St. Room 112, Hubbard Hall
Wichita, Kansas 67260
