Lecture series explores interdisciplinary project combining art and science
Constellate 3 takes place at Wichita State this month and focuses on the sculptural components of this future celebration. In the studio arts class JUMP!STAR Sculpture & Ritual, co-taught by Ferrandi and ADCI Gallery Director Kristin Beal, students are learning the traditional Japanese techniques for making very large-scale paper sculptures used in Nebuta festivals in the Aomori region of Japan. Students are working with Ferrandi on the fabrication of Deneb, one of a series of twelve JUMP!STAR sculptures, each of which represent one of the earth's eventual pole stars.
The theme of the lecture from noon-1 p.m. today (Wednesday, June 20) in 120 Henrion Hall, is Festival / Sculpture / Ritual.
The last lecture from noon-1 p.m. Thursday, June 28, in 120 Henrion Hall, covers Annie Jump Cannon and the science behind JUMP!STAR.
A light lunch will be provided. Read more about the project at www.jumpstar.love