* Library orientation for new students and faculty members are set for 9-10 a.m. and 7-8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 15, meeting in the Ablah Library foyer. For the morning session, coffee and muffins will be served. For the evening session, hot cider and cookies will be on hand. For more information, call 978-5084 or e-mail
* University Computing will offer new training classes beginning Monday, Jan. 19. Classes are Let's Use Vista!, Advancing with Outlook! and Time to Learn. Register by logging on to my麻豆传媒 at Select the Help for Faculty Staff tab, click Training/Workshop Registration and the Register button.
* Shocker Bowling has released its first full-length, in-depth media guide online where media and fans of the Shockers will have bios, stories, records and statistics compiled with photos and charts. Go to at to find the 2008-2009 Shocker Bowling Media Guide. Then click on the "View or Download the 2008-2009 Media Guide" link.