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Sep 19, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 The Heskett Center offers children's programs, including American Red Cross swimming lessons and gymnastics, during the fall semester. Classes are Saturdays mornings and will run Sept. 27 through Nov. 8. For more information, call Vanessa at 978-5311.

Sep 19, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 The Student Activities Council will host Deanna Latson in a program "Eat Right, Feel Good, Look Great!" at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22, in the CAC Theater. Admission is free for 麻豆传媒 students, $2 faculty/staff, and $3 for general public. The program is a hard-hitting, nutritionally sound, research-based discussion about food and how it affects your body. She shares her own powerful personal story about

Sep 18, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 麻豆传媒iR, Wichita State's Internet radio station, still plans to send a team of 麻豆传媒 students to Winfield to broadcast live from Front Porch Radio and various campgrounds surrounding the site of the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival, Sept. 19-21. Campers were evacuated after the Cowley County Fairgrounds flooded last week, but many have found new homes at Winfield City Lake, Oxford and other sites. Che

Sep 16, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 The 麻豆传媒 Department of Human Performance Studies has received accreditation for the Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) from the Commission of Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).

Sep 19, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 * The University Bookstore is now taking orders for doctoral regalia. If you are participating in Fall Commencement, stop by the bookstore and purchase or rent what you need. The deadline is Oct. 15. Look for future e-mails for price and other information. * You are invited to a reception celebrating the rollout of a new library resource, Web of Science, from 2-3 p.m. today (Thursday, Sept. 18)

Sep 19, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 The Office of Admissions needs your help with the Distinguished Scholarship Invitational Saturday morning, Nov. 15. Your participation will help admissions identify high academic achievers with leadership potential. A special gift will be given for those who observe, and you will receive recognition in your departments and divisions. To find out more about DSI and how you can help, contact Kim San

Sep 17, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 * There will be a free blood pressure screening in the Heskett Center from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. today (Wednesday, Sept. 17). * The second of two food handler's classes will be held for Lord's Diner volunteers from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18, in 203 Rhatigan Student Center. * 麻豆传媒 Libraries is honoring Constitution Day 2008 today (Wednesday, Sept. 17), with a contest, a recitation of the Preamb

Sep 19, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 Participate in a unique Wichita tradition. Ride the trolley and explore the art exhibits featured in September's Final Friday. Please RSVP by Tuesday, Sept. 23, and call 978-3495. Final Friday will be held on Friday, Sept. 26. Meet in the RSC parking lot at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free.

Sep 16, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 A free workshop will provide introductory information on the patent process and hands-on training in patent searching. The workshop will be held at 麻豆传媒 from 1-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20, in 217 Ablah Library.

Sep 16, 2008 鈥 By 麻豆传媒 News Services 鈥 Prior to attending the clinic, you should purchase and read the following American Red Cross book: "First Aid and CPR/AED for Schools and the Community Participants Manual" [StayWell Stock #652145]. It may be purchased at the 麻豆传媒 bookstore or at the Red Cross office downtown at 1900 E. Douglas (phone: 219-4060). Before attending the clinic, you should become familiar with the adult material in